Coaching and support for family members
Coaching and support for family members and Caregivers
Cognitive decline, such as dementia or Alzheimer’s and neurodegenerative diseases affect more and more people every year. This brings big challenges not only to the individual living with the disease but also to the family members who are supporting the individual.
Caregivers and family members of individuals living with dementia or neurodegenerative disease ( for example : Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease) deal with big challenges in the day-to-day communication. The nature of the diseases implies that the needs of the person and their family evolve as the illness progresses. In order to adapt to these changes and to maintain good communication habits with your loved one, the Speech-Language Pathologists at Centre Mosaïque de Québec can offer support and coaching for you and your family.
Personalised support
for the person and his entourage
Whether it is for the family directly, or the support staff attending to the individual, coaching services for caregivers offers personalized strategies and tools to address the individual’s needs, no matter the stage of the illness.
Communication is a basic necessity and is required to make daily routines and needs function well. Different illnesses affect the communication abilities differently. A speech-language pathologist can help you understand the changes and the adaptation to better support your loved one.
Whether it is strategies and techniques for the support staff working with your family member, or coaching techniques for you and your entourage, a speech-language pathologist is there to support you and ensure better communication.
Maintaining Good Communication
at Every Stage of the Illness
Depending on the evolution of the illness, maintaining good quality of life as well as individual autonomy can be a big challenge. As such, a diagnosis as early as possible is essential. This allows for measures to be put in place adapt to the individual while they are still able to learn and adapt to new communication habits. Within the Quebec City region, people with dementia have access to specialised services for early detection and diagnosis at the interdisciplinary Clinique de la Mémoire à Enfant-Jésus hospital. This is an excellent opportunity to intervene before the illness limits an individual’s capabilities.
It is possible to optimise communication with caregivers and family members at every stage of illness. More and more tools to compensate and support communication are available and can help you maintain good exchanges and conversation with your loved one. Your speech-language pathologist can help you choose the most effective methods for your needs and those of your caregivers.
The coaching and support offered to caregivers allows for a better understanding of the communication difficulties that can come with degenerative illnesses. Our approach at Centre Mosaïque will help you better understand the changes and support your adaptation to ensure good communication within your family. In addition, we make house calls – services can occur in your home or residential health setting.
Make an appointment
The Centre Mosaïque is committed to providing prompt care to meet your needs. Feel free to contact us to find out how our speech therapists can help you.