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Parkinson’s Disease and related disorders

Parkinson and parkinsonian illnesses

Parkinson’s disease is a illness that gradually affects the nervous system. Among the early symptoms, there can often be a less expressive face or mumbled articulation. The illness progressively impacts the speed and precision of movements.

Although Parkinson’s disease is relatively well known, approximately 20% of people experiencing Parkinson-like symptoms will be diagnosed with a disease similar to Parkinson’s. It can be Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Corticobasal syndrome or Dementia with Lewy Bodies. Those individuals suspected of having Parkinson’s disease or a disease similar to Parkinson’s need to be directed to specialised services for optimal management of their symptoms and the progression of the disease.

Speech-Language Pathology services offered for Parkinson’s and related illnesses

Speech-language pathologists can offer of variety of support for individuals diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or related illnesses. The people living with these illnesses require support for voice, speech, feeding and social communication. It is strongly recommended that you consult with a speech-language pathologist as early as possible to maintain a maximum of abilities. However, it is never too late to work on communication skills and feeding adaptations to ensure a better quality of life. The most common complaint of someone with Parkinson’s disease is that their voice becomes very weak. Our speech-language pathologists use an evidence-based treatment approach called LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) that is specifically designed to address this complaint. Although it is designed to address voice issues, some individuals see progress in their articulation abilities, facial expressions, prosody, vocal quality and swallowing.

A personalized approach to address the needs of the individual.

When and where do we start treatment for difficulties related to Parkinson’s disease ?

The symptoms associated with Parkinson’s disease vary significantly from one person to another and based on the progression of the disease. It is sometimes difficult to know what to prioritise within this context. Communication abilities are strongly linked to quality of life and social participation. As professionals in communication, speech-language pathologists are best equipped to support and equip you with strategies and tools to interact with your loved ones and your community. Whether it is for voice, articulation, or social communication, our speech-language pathologists can help you prioritise your needs in order to optimise your quality of life and your interactions with loved ones.


The speech-language pathologists at the Centre Mosaïque de Québec can help you make an informed decision about your needs and the treatments available to you in speech-language pathology. No matter your goals, whether it is to maintain your abilities, to rehabilitate lost ability or to compensate for present difficulties, do not hesitate to contact us to find out how we can help.

Make an appointment

The Centre Mosaïque is committed to providing prompt care to meet your needs. Feel free to contact us to find out how our speech therapists can help you.

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.