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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after TBI

Despite the consequences of a TBI being variable person to person, there is almost always an impact on quality of life. A Speech-Language Pathologist can help you better understand your symptoms and aid you to return to daily activities.

A TBI impacts not only language abilities, but also cognitive and emotional spheres as well. Due to all these aspects being closely entwined in communication, a speech-language pathologist is the rehab professional best suited to aid you in understanding the impact of the TBI on your daily life, and how to put in place strategies and systems that reduce the limitations on your activities.

What are the symptoms of a TBI?

A TBI is caused by a shock to the brain which causes a lesion in the brain. The symptoms of a TBI are very diverse and dependent on the location and the severity of the lesion. TBIs are classified in 3 categories : mild, moderate and severe. The majority of TBIs are mild. This category also includes concussions. The severity of the TBI three principal categories, mild, moderate and severe. The majority of TBIs are mild, including concussions. It should be noted that the severity of a TBI is not necessarily a predictor of the difficulties that result from it.

The difficulties that come from a TBI can affect a number of functions. Symptoms can come from the cognitive, behavioural or langage spheres.

Cognitive Sphere

  • Attention difficulties (selective, sustained, divided)
  • Difficulties resolving a problem, formulating an objective, choosing a strategy, initiated an action and auto-evaluating
  • Difficulties with planning and organising
  • Increasing the speed of information processing (reaction time)
  • Challenges affecting memory (encoding new information, accessing memories)
  • Difficulties in novel learning
  • Difficulties with metacognition (self-assessment, adjusting to the other, predicting another person’s reactions)
  • Difficulties identifying their own challenges

Language Sphere

  • Comprehension deficits including abstract language, subtleties (humour, sarcasm) in addition non verbal language (facial and body expressions)
  • Expressive deficits including difficulty with word finding, coherent discourse (maintain the subject), choosing the quantity of information to provide, adjusting to the interlocutor and producing complex sentences.
  • Difficulties with social communication.

Behavioural Sphere

  • Emotional reactions can be excessive or lacking
  • Difficulty identifying the emotions of others
  • Mood changes
  • Hypersensitivity (for example to noise, to light, to screens)
  • Impulsivity, anxiety, irritability and anger management

What is the role of the speech language pathologist?

First of all, the speech therapist evaluates the nature of the difficulties affecting communication after a TBI. Then an action plan is development and shared with the individual and their family in order to formulate rehabilitation objectives.

PWhether you are in an acute phase or your symptoms are evolving, or you have attained a more
chronic phase, a speech-language pathologist can help you put in place strategies to maximize your abilities.


The rehabilitation after a TBI is an essential step to returning to regular daily life, both personally and professionally. The speech-language pathologists at the Centre Mosaïque can assist in helping you remain active and socially engaged in your daily life.

Make an appointment

The Centre Mosaïque is committed to providing prompt care to meet your needs. Feel free to contact us to find out how our speech therapists can help you.

Prenez note que pour le congé des Fêtes, la clinique sera fermée du 23 décembre au 7 janvier, inclusivement. Nous serons de retour le 8 janvier avec notre horaire habituel.